HOPE's 34th Annual Latina History Day® Conference brings together hundreds of women in Downtown Los Angeles to recognize and celebrate the historic and current achievements of Latinas, while embracing the rich diversity of the Latina experience. Join us for forums and workshops on career advancement, current community issues, and financial empowerment. Get inspired and energized by our keynote speakers and make connections with Latina leaders and small business owners at our Comadre Network.
HOPE Affiliates include non-profit organizations, small businesses, or groups who come together to form a partnership with HOPE in support of Latinas. Affiliates provide a unique perspective on education, economic development, and other policy issues regarding Latinas. As a HOPE Affiliate, you will help support HOPE’s mission of empowering and advocating for the economic and political parity of Latinas.
For more information regarding the event, visit: https://www.latinas.org/historyday
HOPE will follow the latest CDC and Los Angeles County Public Health Department guidelines regarding COVID-19.
Please refer to the Diagram. Tier 1 General Admission is highlighted in Teal. Your seating will be within the Teal highlighted area.
Please refer to the Diagram. Tier 2 General Admission is highlighted in Pink. Your seating will be within the Pink highlighted area.